Wednesday, July 30, 2008

And the rice veil opened...

This past week I have been reading Julie and Julia by Julie Powell. I realize that I'm a little late to this party. It's one of those books that I heard about through an incredibly long grapevine and was more interested in because it is resulting in a movie in which Meryl Streep plays Julia Child more than for what it was actually about. This was of course before I realized what it was actually about.

Now being a New Yorker who works as a secretary but is really an actress who is not currently really getting anywhere with it is something I can completely identify with. Loving good french food is another. Needless to say, I am enjoying this book. I can laugh along with the author about the vagaries of New York City apartment plumbing. I know all to well the thin line between happiness and humiliation that is toed when throwing a dinner party with nothing but a faulty gas stove and a prayer.
Does it make me want to follow suit and whip up every single recipe in Mastering The Art Of French Cooking? Absolutely not. At least not in 365 days. However, it does make me realize that even for all of the adventurous eating I do, there are so many things I've never tried, either from simple lack of opportunity or stubbornly clinging childhood resistances.

What finally got through to me was the section of the book where they kept eating liver. And rhapsodizing about it. Now this is definitely one of those childhood things, and except maybe for turkey liver chopped up tiny in the Thanksgiving gravy, liver is definitely a substance that has never passed my lips. Well, last night I finally manned up. That's not to say I ate any liver, but I did call my mother to request that she make it the next time I'm home. (My mother is a liver fan, and I always like to have something cooked for me once before I attempt to make it myself.
So I suppose what I'm trying to say is that I should attempt to be an even more adventurous eater than I already am. I should seek out new and exciting flavors (and make myself try them in at least two or three preparations before giving up.)

I already like brussel sprouts, eggplant, and beets which are kind of the trifecta of veggies that everybody hates. So, what should I try next? I'm open to suggestions. although I do think there's no way any of you will ever get me to eat aspic. What I do know is that the next time I decide I need a cocktail at the end of a stressful day I'm going to try a vodka gimlet on for size. You can only read about how delightful they are for so long before giving in to temptation.